The drive up was relatively uneventful. The caravan hit the road three hours later than anticipated, but that’s not uncommon with this bunch. One member of the team was arrested on the way to meet up, but we were able to bail her out of jail in time to head out (or maybe she simply got pulled over and got a ticket; that was a few days ago and it’s hard to remember).
After registering and checking into the hotel, we made our way to Minerva’s for a carb-loaded dinner and a just enough alcohol to make everyone sleepy.
Race day was cool and cloudy, and spirits were high as we met at Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast and headed to the starting line.
With 2,000 riders in attendance, the excitement level was high in the parking lot where we got ready to race towards a destination 27 miles and a few hours away.
Maureen getting her rigid steel bike (translated: hard core) ready
Mike and Erika (yes, that’s the famous Erika of Plastic Tacos) who were half of our support crew
The lovely ladies of Team Angry Monkey!
The course was hard and sloppy, and 1-2 miles longer than last year. The hills were intense. I fell a few times, I think all of us did.
But we all finished (I was 15 minutes worse than last year, but again I’m happy to have done it.), and I have to say that there was no prettier sight than seeing the support crew at the end with fresh clothes, my jacket, and a cooler full of Labatt Blue at the finish line.
Two more racers, Justin and Chad, at the finish (that shell-shocked look is pretty typical at the finish, even before the cooler full of beer was opened)
Kristen and Adam at the finish (note the plastic cups, also known as the universal sign that you are drinking in public)
After the race, we were once again off and running. There was no time to rest, it was time for food and beer.The official Team Angry Monkey after-party was an exclusive event held at a very private club known as Room 332. Mark, in the top right corner was responsible for that banner, as well as being one quarter of the support crew.
What did we learn? Well, while I felt I did pretty well overall, and finished well on my team, I finished last in my class. I don't think I'm an aggressive or fast enough rider to race sport class, and I will be demoting myself back to beginner class next year (where I would have finished comfortably in the middle of the pack). But, like last year, I was just there to do it.
Yes, we have all agreed to do it next year. I think it will be bigger and better than ever. GO GO ANGRY MONKEY!
I want to give a shout out to the members of the team – Nicole, Justin, Kavita, Maureen, Adam and Chad. Everyone worked really hard to do this race, and everyone finished. I’m really proud of all of us.
I want to give a bigger shout out to the support crew – Mike, Erika, Mark and Kristen. You guys saw us off at the starting line. Then you sat in the cold at mile 17, waving the Angry Monkey Banner, cheering all of us on as we were hitting serious fatigue and pushed us on to the finish, where you were waiting with beer and dry clothes. We never would have made it without you guys.
One more special thank you to Mark, who came up with the Angry Monkey name, designed the logo, and made the banners.
Also, I will probably have more Iceman photos to put up here later this week, as I get them.
What an awesome way to spend a weekend.
Congrats on finishing Iceman, and even bigger congrats on having the kind of friends who are thoughtful enough to present you with cold brew and dry clothing upon your finish.
I'd love to get to the DIA exhibit -- the letters sound especially interesting. How are the crowds?
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