Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Orbitsuns

We went up to Club Bart last night to see the Orbitsuns. We went to support a friend, but we were really blown away by how good they are. They were awesome!

The lead singer of the Orbitsuns is Vinnie Dombroski, who is also the lead singer of Sponge, and the bass player, on the right, is Bob. He's married to Julie, who teaches Punk Fitness.

The Orbitsuns play gritty dirty rock with a Southern twang. But it still has a Motor City Feel, like going to Kentucky by way of Detroit.

Anyway, I posted a full review on thisaremusic. Check it out!

Link to Review

1 comment:

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Guess I need to get some more music.
Got about a gig left on the nano.