Thursday, March 16, 2006

Almost there, stick with me!

First off, I hope everyone has a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! I'll be taking the day off, raising a glass for Nicole's Mom. She was a very cool lady and a good friend, and St. Patrick's Day was her birthday. Pretty appropriate for an Irish Redhead, no?

I'll also be watching out for this guy. He usually makes an appearance right around the time I'm having my eighth pint of Guinness.

Second, for better or for worse, Kit Burns was framed! will come out swinging with renewed frenzy on Monday! If you guys have stuck with me, thanks. I needed to get some stuff done that's been eating up every waking moment.

Third, check out this blog. This is a dear old friend from high school. She and her husband have settled out in the wilds of Bull's Gap, Tennessee, and she's posting great photos of the homestead. Tell her I sent ya.

I also want to welcome to lovely ladies from Bust! They were all referred to the story of the cyst a few days ago. I hope you stick around, and realize this site is only about 60% grossout stories. Thanks for sending them here, plynn!

Additionally, one guy was referred to that post based on the keyword search of "how to fix being a hunchback". While the information you're looking for isn't there, I hope you did find what you're looking for somewhere on the Interwebs.

Talk to all y'all soon!


stray_thoughts said...

Good luck on the all consuming task...

Nice pics from Becca...

And HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! See you guys tomorrow.

stray_thoughts said...

Just for the general information of all...

The cyst is gone (hopefully for good), but all the interior stitches ripped and I am now left with a gaping hole in my back that was first infected and now simply has to grow back from the inside out.

Clyndamycin(sp?) and Neosporin took care of the infection, but not before reacting with something else I ingested and causing my entire chest to break out in acne.

If you ever need something like this done be sure to tell the bastards to sew that shit shut with some good's gonna scar anyway.

Goooo...Modern Medicine! Yay Team!

...buncha freakin' geniuses.

Jennifer said...

Lookin' forward to your return.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Youch! Poor Stray Thoughts! That settles it. I'm keeping my hump.
They ain't been able to yank my wisderm teeth outta me yet, dang doctors!

*Looking forward to St. Patty's Day stories.