That guy's got some nice nipples! Which, did you try tatties and neeps? Given the whole haggis thing, I was sure tatties and neeps was Scotspeak for something other than potatoes and turnips, something more like what this here fella is displaying much to Nicole's delight. Left one's a tatty, right one's a neep. Yum :-)
That guy's got some nice nipples! Which, did you try tatties and neeps? Given the whole haggis thing, I was sure tatties and neeps was Scotspeak for something other than potatoes and turnips, something more like what this here fella is displaying much to Nicole's delight. Left one's a tatty, right one's a neep. Yum :-)
Your homo-eroticism frightens me...
Hey no fair! That Scottish guy's a Canadian!
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