Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Just because they call themselves friends, doesn't mean they'll call..."

Back from SXSW... listening to Amanda Palmer...

I love that girl.

As part of our trip to SXSW, it just so happened that she was on our flight from Detroit. We walked with her through the airport, and even got to watch her luggage while she got a cart. Geeky fan moment, I know, but I was giddy, like, “Amanda trusts US to watch her luggage, complete with her cute little ukulele case!”

The next day, we ran into her in a restaurant, and chatted for a second with her.

I am so happy to say that she is every bit as nice in person as I have always hoped.

Anyway, if you’re interested in seeing more, including a couple photos from her show at the Central Presbyterian Church (more on the way), they’re here.

Shane had a bit of a bad time while we were gone. Basically, he fell at the dog hotel and couldn’t get up. Fortunately, we take him to the best dog hotel there is, Bubble and Bark, who are also partnered with the best vet in the universe, Little Friends of Ferndale, and they took care of him while we were gone.

Now, the old man is on three medications, but he’s puttering around the house, eating and begging at the table again.

He worries me sometimes, but as long as he’s comfortable and happy, I’m glad he’s around.

Meh, that’s all I got right now.

Oooooh, but I did discover another girl singer that I heart, although her sound is a little more… shall we say inaccessible?

This is iwrestledabearonce, and yes that’s her singing, and no, they don’t do anything to her voice.

I saw these kids play (more here), and they also blew me away. TFN doesn’t have the infatuation for them that I do, but even she admits that they are wicked talented, whether or not she likes them.

It’s the same thing with Metallica. I’ve never really been a fan of theirs, other than Master of Puppets, but damn, they know how to rock, and when I interviewed Kirk Hammett, he was also wicked cool.

So that’s where we leave off. TFN took 8000 million billion photos at SXSW, and I will has plenty mores of thems to shares with alls of yous in the soonest amount of time.

For now though, if the government isn’t going to give me bailout money, you’d think they at least give me a jetpack, no?


Di said...

"I am so happy to say that she is every bit as nice in person as I have always hoped."

This is awesome...and a relief. I don't want to meet people I'm a fan of because I don't want them to screw up my love affair with their art. You get lucky, though. Mario Andretti and Walter Payton were incredibly nice people. :-)

Jennifer said...

“Amanda trusts US to watch her luggage, complete with her cute little ukulele case!”

Even in our darkest moments, there is amazingness!!!

Some bummer news about Fido this weekend, too, but nothing ... you know ... he's handling it better than his peeps and I'm reassured he's not in pain. Best thoughts for Shane.