It's probably about time to "Stalin" my FB friend list again, as one of the people I actually care about refers to it as. I mean, if I wasn't friends with you at one time, and you're not interesting now, why do I care? Answer? I don't. I just clicked "Accept," because it was easy.
Anyway, Ange had pointed out that she was back, and I thought I was missing this thing a bit, too, so let's bring it all back, yes?
Let's start with New Year's Resolutions. A couple anyway. Some are for me to know and for you to mind your own business.
1. Post here more, but not to apologize for not posting. Too many posts here and everywhere seem to start out with an apology for taking time off. It's my time to take where I want, and it's too short to waste on apologizing for things I'm not genuinely sorry about.
2. Put yet more time and effort into my physical well-being. In addition to the ever present biking involved in my life, I've added running and weights into the mix, and added a few goals. We'll be at the Corktown 5K this year, and have signed up for the Warrior Dash as well. Ange is also in, and this is going to be a party of moderately epic proportions along with an asskick of a race.
3. Devote more time to mastering the Hipstamatic. I love this thing.
4. Devote time to one project for me each month. More on that soon, once I wrap my head around the full ramifications of it...
5. Become yet more and more awesome. That one's self-explanatory.
That is all for now. Odds on, I'm going to post prolifically for weeks now, before fading away right when the weather gets nice. It's what I do, and I won't apologize for it (see #1).
You are my 30-something brother!
Sorry I don't comment very well any more. (Just kidding, I'm not sorry.)
Let me know how you figure out the FB thinning out process. I blocked the in-law side pretty early on. Mostly because *so ashamed* not a single one of them mentioned happy birthday last year. I had people I've never seen in real life pour out the nicest stuff I've ever read about myself--not ONE person from Tom's side put down a, 'Happy Birthday,' even, so I axed them, because I didn't want the responsibility of remembering their special days.
Christmas was fun. Facebook got brought up fifty thousand times. I just pretended I didn't know what they were referring to.
"Oh, if you've tried to contact me on Facebook, I don't really get on there," somebody said to me. Ha ha ha, I thought to myself. Nice try, but I'm not going to confess to you that I blocked you.
Man, this is fun.
The Warrior Dash is exactly what I needed to put on the books for this year. Not sure it's connected to age, but I think it's mostly the need to do something raw and fun and unapologetic. I'm so freaking tired of feeling like our youth's being spent living in a bunker...I'm super excited to get out, see you guys, be covered with mud, get tetanus (snicker...tet "anus" )from the rusty barbed wire which I know I'm gonna get scratched on.
I'm taking the photos of this event to my grave with me.
To date, Tom's also signed up, different wave for the sake of our marriage, and we've got some best local pals on board, SUPER psyched. I mean they're already ahead of me by ten miles or so psyched.
I need to do weights.
Do we REALLY need to do weights?
Okay, I'll do weights.
LOVE those shots.
You got the year off to the right start with the awesomeness by inspiring the Warrior Dash Bash.
Not that you were lacking in awesome before.
Go 2011! (By project, I hope you mean writing projects.)
My awesome comment got killed.
We've been away so long, the comment pop-ups are pissed at us.
So, I was saying something about letting me know how your Facebook slimming turns out. How I blocked all my in-laws the week after my birthday last year, because not a single one of them bothered to write a simple "happy birthday" and yet they communicated back and forth with one another during that time...My first FB hissy fit. Also my last. I don't regret it.
I guess I don't mind random high school people (until one of them shows up at my door knowing everything about me) but when people who should be communicating with me in real life were using my wall to keep from having to communicate with me in real life...I said, 'Not for family.'
Tom promised he'd back me up if things got weird. No one's had the balls to ask.
Granted, my family is all on there now, and it's weird having my mom pop in and remind me she's there, but I think I need that as a writer. I need to learn to not give a shit if my mother is embarrassed by something I've written.
Love your goals. I'm with ya.
And I'm super excited about Warrior Dash. Tom's signed up. We've got some best pals coming, too. Lots of motivation going on down here thanks to you.
I'm hoping the photos will end up in my funeral slideshow.
I have a question:
How does perfectly awesome become yet more and more awesome? I'm sure it's possible, but I'm not so sure it's possible to understand.
I made zero resolutions but I did assert that every day shall be every holiday all rolled into one from now until forever, so there.
Yay! You are back! :D
Been giving you the linky-love wherever I can for the gig... I remember when I was a Guide, I wanted every hit I could get! ;)
LOVE the Hipstamatic! It is so much fun - and I find myself looking for chances to recreate some of my previous photos with it, just because I love the effect.
Glad to see you again! Hope you aren't permanently snowed in up there! :)
I love your resolutions, they're thoughtful, self loving, attainable, and humorous. I've been clicking around in my blog too, mostly a lot of crazy strings of words that have little meaning to anyone else, but have proved to be great therapy for me.
I'm with ya all the way on the weather theory, spring brings everything to life, but not blogs so much, and that's as it should be.
Peace Ryan,
Once Angie said that people started blogging less because of facebook fever and I cannot agree more with her. I also believe that twitter, tumblr, myspace, wikipedia, google earth, flickr, youtube, buzznet, flork, last-fm, gmail, msn, skype, and many others are also making us blog less (sad in a way). It is sad for those who relish writing. I do like to write and I am doing that so recklessly and relentlessly that I feel a big shame of myself.
Speaking of FB, once Ange wrote that people started blogging less because of facebook fever and I cannot agree more with her. I also believe that twitter, tumblr, myspace, wikipedia, google earth, flickr, youtube, buzznet, flork, last-fm, gmail, msn, skype, and many others are also making us blog less (sad in a way). It is sad for those who relish writing. I do like to write and I am doing that so recklessly and relentlessly that I feel a big shame of myself.
I get the Facebook thing. I am now friends with something like four people from high school, and people keep sending me friend requests. Same thing with mountain bikers. MTBers keep sending me friend requests, and I don't even know who most of them are! I now have 26 friend requests waiting for my approval. I quit denying them because someone actually got on my case for not approving him, even after I explained that I didn't actually know him. Now, they just sit there.
I decided that I need to start tending to my blog rather than spamming FB. :-) Let's see how that goes.
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